Frankly Speaking About Cancer® is the Cancer Support Community’s landmark cancer education series that provides trusted information on a variety of topics important to people affected by cancer.

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Type of Cancer

  • Bladder

    • Maintenance Therapy for Bladder Cancer
    • Preparing for your Doctor’s Visit: Advanced Bladder Cancer
  • Bone Health

    • Bone Health for Cancer Survivors
    • When Cancer Spreads to the Bone
  • Brain

    • 10 Tips to Living Well with a Brain or Spinal Cord Tumor
    • Brain Tumors
  • Breast

    • Coping with Metastatic Breast Cancer
    • Help Prepare for Your Doctor’s Visit: Worksheet for Metastatic Breast Cancer Patients
    • Metastatic Breast Cancer
    • Treatment for Metastatic Breast Cancer
    • Triple Negative Breast Cancer in Black and African American Communities
    • BRCA Mutations
    • Breast Cancer Reconstruction
    • Breast Cancer
  • Colorectal

    • Colorectal Cancer *
    • Preparing For Your Doctor Visit: Colorectal Cancer *
    • Ostomy & Colorectal Cancer
    • Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
  • Head and Neck

    • Head and Neck Cancer Booklet
    • Coping with Head and Neck Cancer for Long Term Survivors
  • Kidney

    • Understanding Kidney Cancer
  • Leukemia

    • Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia
    • Acute Myeloid Leukemia *
    • Preparing for Your Doctor’s Visit: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) *
    • Preparing for Your Doctor’s Visit: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
    • Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/ Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma
    • Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) *
    • Coping with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
    • Talking About Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) *
    • Treatment for Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
    • CLL: Improving Communication with Your Patients
    • AML: Improving Communication with Your Patients *
    • 10 Tips for Living Well with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (fact sheet)
  • Liver

    • FSAC: Liver Cancer
    • Coping with the Stigma of Liver Cancer
  • Lung

    • Immunotherapy and Lung Cancer *
    • Lung Cancer
    • Lung cancer: What you need to know *
    • Targeted Therapy and Biomarker Testing for Lung Cancer *
    • Treatment for Lung Cancer
    • Small Cell Lung Cancer Factsheet *
    • Small Cell Lung Discussion Tool
    • Preparing for Your Doctor's Visit: Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
    • Coping with the Stigma of Lung Cancer
    • GI Side Effects of NSCLC Treatment
  • Lymphoma

    • Framing Life With Lymphoma: At Diagnosis
    • Framing Life With Lymphoma: During and After Treatment
    • Framing Life With Lymphoma: Everyday Support
    • Lymphoma
    • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
    • Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma
    • When Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) Doesn’t Respond to Treatment
  • Multiple Myeloma

    • Multiple Myeloma
    • Multiple Myeloma Discussion Tool
    • 10 Tips for Living Well with Multiple Myeloma
    • Caring for Someone with Multiple Myeloma
    • Coping with “Watch and Wait” for Multiple Myeloma
    • Treatment for Relapsed-Refractory Multiple Myeloma
    • Multiple Myeloma in Black Communities
  • Myelodyplastic Syndromes (MDS)

    • 10 Tips for Living Well with Myelodyplastic Syndromes
    • Myelodysplastic Syndromes
  • Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs)

    • 10 Tips to Living Well with MPNs *
    • Myelofibrosis *
    • Myeloproliferative Neoplasms *
    • Polycythemia Vera *
    • MPNs: Improving Communication with Your Patients
  • Neuroendocrine & Carcinoid Tumors (NETs)

    • 10 Tips to Living Well with Neuroendocrine & Carcinoid Tumors (NETs)
  • Ovarian

    • Ovarian Cancer
    • Ovarian Cancer Discussion Tool
    • Ovarian Cancer in Black and African American Communities
  • Skin Cancers

    • Melanoma
    • Putting the Focus on Stage III Melanoma
    • Immunotherapy for Melanoma
    • Talking About Basal Cell Skin Cancer
    • Talking About Squamous Cell Skin Cancer
    • Spotlight on Advanced Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers
    • Caring for Someone with Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer
    • Frankly Speaking About Cancer: Skin Cancer Among People of Color *
    • Working with Your Skin Cancer Care Team

Cancer Topics

  • Cancer and Genetics

  • Cancer Support Community

    • Cancer Support Community Helpline® and MyLifeLine Overview Bookmark
    • Cancer Support Community Helpline® and MyLifeLine Brochure
    • FSAC Publication Overview
  • Caregiving

    • Caregivers
    • Support from a Distance
    • Treatment Decisions for Caregivers
    • Caregivers and CAR T Cell Therapy Side Effects
    • Caregiving and Making Treatment Decisions for Adults with Advanced Cancer *
    • Caregiving for CAR T Cell Therapy
    • Caring for MPNs
    • Navigating Grief as a Caregiver
  • Clinical Trials

    • Clinical Trials Booklet *
    • Clinical Trials Photo Narrative *
    • Understanding Clinical Trials: A guide for Patients and Caregivers Booklet
    • The Importance of Diversity in Clinical Trials
    • Are Clinical Trials Right for You?
    • LGBTQ+ Diversity in Clinical Trials
  • Cost of Cancer Care

    • Coping with the Cost of Care
    • Tips for Managing and Budgeting Your Cancer Costs
    • Copay Assistance Booklet
  • HIV and Cancer

    • Frankly Speaking About Cancer: HIV & Cancer
  • Immunotherapy

    • CAR T Immunotherapy Booklet
    • CAR T Patient and Caregiver Guide Postcard
    • CAR T Patient and Caregiver Guidebook *
    • Immunotherapy *
    • Immunotherapy and Lung Cancer *
    • Immunotherapy for Melanoma
    • Immunotherapy for Bladder Cancer
    • Immunotherapy Discussion Tool
    • Talking About CAR T Cell Therapy Discussion Tool
  • Living Healthy

  • Mental Health & Cancer

    • Mental Health & Cancer
    • Preparing for Your Doctor's Visit: Mental Health & Cancer
  • Nutrition and Cancer

    • Eating Well During Cancer Treatment
    • Eating Well for Cancer Survivors
    • Eating Well with Head and Neck Cancer
  • Precision Medicine

    • What is the Role of PD-L1 in Cancer?
    • What Does It Mean to Have High TMB?
    • What is MSI High (MSI-H) Cancer?
    • Precision Medicine Booklet
    • Genetic Testing Booklet *
    • Talking about Biomarker Testing*
  • Talking About Cancer

    • What Do I Tell the Kids
  • Treatment Options and Side Effects Management

    • Making Treatment Decisions
    • Coping with Side Effects
    • Biosimilars Booklet *
    • Understanding Measurable Residual Disease
    • What are Biosimilar Drugs Factsheet *

Additional Languages

  • Arabic

    • 10 Tips to Living Well with MPNs (Arabic)
    • التليف النِقْوِيّ
      Myelofibrosis (Arabic)
    • Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (Arabic)
    • كثرة الحُمر الحقيقية
      Polycythemia Vera (Arabic)
  • Chinese

    • 10 Tips for Living Well with MPNs (Chinese)
    • 骨髓纖維化
      Myelofibrosis (Chinese)
    • Myelproliferative Neoplasms (Chinese)
    • 真性紅血球增生症
      Polycythemia Vera (Chinese)
  • Korean

    • 10 Tips for Living Well with MPNs (Korean)
    • 골수섬유화증
      Myelofibrosis (Korean)
    • Myelproliferative Neoplasms (Korean)
    • 진성적혈구증가증
      Polycythemia Vera (Korean)
  • Russian

    • 10 Tips for Living Well with MPNs (Russian)
    • Миелофиброз
      Myelofibrosis (Russian)
    • Myelproliferative Neoplasms (Russian)
    • Полицитемия вера
      (истинная полицитемия)
      Polycythemia Vera (Russian)
  • Spanish

    • 10 consejos para vivir bien con neoplasias mieloproliferativas (NMP)
      10 Tips for Living Well with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs) (Spanish)
    • Leucemia mieloide aguda (LMA)
      Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) (Spanish)
    • Biosimilars Booklet (Spanish)
    • Marcador de la Cancer Support Community
      Cancer Support Community Bookmark (Spanish)
    • El mejor tratamiento para usted – ensayos clínicos
      The Best Treatment for You – Clinical Trials (Spanish)
    • Ensayos clínicos – fotonovela
      Clinical Trials – Photo Narrative (Spanish)
    • Inmunoterapia
      Immunotherapy (Spanish)
    • Inmunoterapia y cáncer de pulmón
      Immunotherapy and Lung Cancer (Spanish)
    • Inmunoterapia para el melanoma
      Immunotherapy for Melanoma (Spanish)
    • Cáncer de pulmón: lo que necesita saber
      Lung cancer: What you need to know (Spanish)
    • Mielofibrosis
      Myelofibrosis (Spanish)
    • Neoplasias mieloproliferativas
      Myelproliferative Neoplasms (Spanish)
    • Policitemia verdadera
      Polycythemia Vera (Spanish)
    • Terapia dirigida y análisis de biomarcadores para el cáncer de pulmón
      Targeted Therapy and Biomarker Testing for Lung Cancer (Spanish)
    • Inmunoterapia para el cáncer de vejiga
      Immunotherapy for Bladder Cancer (Spanish)
    • Leucemia mieloide crónica
      Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (Spanish)
    • Ficha de preparación para la visita médica: leucemia mieloide crónica (LMC)
      Preparing for Your Doctor’s Visit: Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) (Spanish)
    • Guía para cuidadores y pacientes de terapia CAR T
      Guide for Caregivers and Patients of CAR T Therapy (Spanish)
    • ¿Qué son los medicamentos biosimilares?
      What are Biosimilars? (Spanish)
    • Hablemos de la leucemia mieloide aguda
      Talking About Acute Myeloid Leukemia (Spanish)
    • LMA: Mejore la comunicación con sus pacientes
      AML: Improving Communication with Your Patients (Spanish)
    • Cáncer de pulmón de células pequeñas
      Small Cell Lung Cancer (Spanish)
    • Preparación para la consulta con su médico: cáncer de pulmón de células pequeñas
      Preparing for Your Doctor’s Visit: Small Cell Lung Cancer (Spanish)
    • Cáncer Colorrectal
      Colorectal Cancer (Spanish)
    • Prepararse para la consulta con su médico: cáncer colorrectal
      Preparing for Your Doctor’s Visit: Colorectal Cancer (Spanish)
    • Prepararse para la consulta con su médico: inmunoterapia
      Preparing for Your Doctor’s Visit: Immunotherapy (Spanish)
    • Cuidado y toma de decisiones de tratamiento para adultos con cáncer avanzado de tratamiento para adultos con cáncer avanzado
      Caregiving and Making Treatment Decisions for Adults with Advanced Cancer (Spanish)
    • Cáncer de piel en personas de color
      Cancer Among People of Color
    • Medicina de Precisión
      Precision Medicine
    • Pruebas genéticas
      Genetic Testing
    • Hablando sobre el análisis de biomarcadores
      Talking about Biomarker Testing (Spanish)
    • Salud mental y cancer
      Mental health and Cancer Fact sheet
    • Cómo prepararse para la consulta con su médico: Hoja de trabajo para hablar sobre la salud mental
      Mental Health and Cancer Discussion Tool
    • Cuidados para NMP
      Caregiving for MPNs (Spanish)
  • Vietnamese

    • 10 Tips for Living Well with MPNs (Vietnamese)
    • Xơ hóa tủy xương
      Myelofibrosis (Vietnamese)
    • Myelproliferative Neoplasms (Vietnamese)
    • Polycythemia Vera (Vietnamese)
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